844-337-7325 [email protected]
Leader in Agriculture Sales Assessments

$10,001 - $15,000

Keynote fee falls within this range. For exact fee, please contact us.


Request Availability for David Dam

“David Dam is the best I have ever met when it comes to training people. David is more dedicated than anyone I have ever met, and his ability to share his knowledge with others is top notch. David was the creator of the Spot On programs with Norder Supply and helped to build several other programs integral to the sales staff. David helped increase my sales and efficiency immediately and is an asset anyone would be lucky to work with! David is a must have when it comes to knowledge, information, and training in the seed industry.”

Senior Agronomy Sales Specialist

“David Dam understands the decisions a farmer faces when working to raise a crop and profit. This becomes very valuable as a manager of a sales force to keep the learning “real” so the salespeople act more as personal advisors to the farmer. Each year provides unique opportunities and challenges. David has always been a leader at recognizing the pulse on the industry and helping a sales force effectively implement business planning and implementing tactics to address those changing dynamics.”

Marketing Lead, Monsanto

“I wanted to thank you for coming and sharing your insights. The sales rep who sat next to me said that your presentation was the best hour he had ever spent given all the sales events he had been through in his many years of selling. I too thought you were engaging, enjoyable, and it was useful information for everyone in the room. It was great to connect with you!”


David Dam is the founder and CEO of ALTERRAIN, an industry leader in sales assessments, sales force evaluations, online sales development and customized monthly implementation plans specific to the agriculture industry.

David grew up on a farm and also owns one, so he has a deep understanding of what farming communities need to succeed.  He has spent countless hours in a tractor seat, working the land, and endless hours in a pickup seat calling on farmers. He is highly skilled at developing strong reseller networks, creating differentiated sales and marketing programs, and had a leading role in the growth of one of the largest family-owned seed businesses in the world. In other words, David has sat in the seats of his customers.

In the early 2000s, for close to a decade, David served as the Head of Sales for Golden Harvest Seeds, a company with roots dating back to the mid-1800s. His leadership and tenacity led the company to the largest new-customer base, dealer network and highest-customer-retention level it had ever seen, resulting in the greatest sales growth in history of the company.

With over 30 years of experience in all facets of sales development; including consulting, coaching, recruiting, systems, processes, and metrics, David has established himself as a distinguished expert in his field. He has been the focal point of a number of publications, most notably, a feature story in the Wall Street Journal.  

David, along with his business partner and wife, Michelle, make a power team that specialize in candidate assessments, sales force analysis, and sales force development strategies based on building repeatable processes that lead to predictable results.



AGSELLERATE infuses powerful sales enablement capabilities into your team’s day-to-day activities to help you discover best practices and drive winning behaviors. Your team’s daily to-do list becomes more than an arbitrary checklist - it actively drives your sales activities forward in a meaningful way. We’ve built preset and customizable benchmarks into the sales pipeline that will reinforce your unique way of selling and servicing farmers and agriculture businesses. Agriculture sales and services can be complex to sell. The way you engage with farmers and businesses is what differentiates you today. Hence, sales teams need to elevate their game and leaders need to enable them. Think about the various product and service offerings you sell. Each one has a different process the salesperson needs to follow to be successful. AGSELLERATE embeds a visual process to drive your team’s actions forward in a meaningful way.

Request Availability for David Dam

Leader in Agriculture Sales Assessments


$10,001 - $15,000

Keynote fee falls within this range. For exact fee, please contact us.
“David Dam is the best I have ever met when it comes to training people. David is more dedicated than anyone I have ever met, and his ability to share his knowledge with others is top notch. David was the creator of the Spot On programs with Norder Supply and helped to build several other programs integral to the sales staff. David helped increase my sales and efficiency immediately and is an asset anyone would be lucky to work with! David is a must have when it comes to knowledge, information, and training in the seed industry.”
Senior Agronomy Sales Specialist

Norder Supply, Inc.

“David Dam understands the decisions a farmer faces when working to raise a crop and profit. This becomes very valuable as a manager of a sales force to keep the learning “real” so the salespeople act more as personal advisors to the farmer. Each year provides unique opportunities and challenges. David has always been a leader at recognizing the pulse on the industry and helping a sales force effectively implement business planning and implementing tactics to address those changing dynamics.”
Marketing Lead, Monsanto

Corn States LLC

“I wanted to thank you for coming and sharing your insights. The sales rep who sat next to me said that your presentation was the best hour he had ever spent given all the sales events he had been through in his many years of selling. I too thought you were engaging, enjoyable, and it was useful information for everyone in the room. It was great to connect with you!”

Pivot Bio


David Dam is the founder and CEO of ALTERRAIN, an industry leader in sales assessments, sales force evaluations, online sales development and customized monthly implementation plans specific to the agriculture industry.

David grew up on a farm and also owns one, so he has a deep understanding of what farming communities need to succeed.  He has spent countless hours in a tractor seat, working the land, and endless hours in a pickup seat calling on farmers. He is highly skilled at developing strong reseller networks, creating differentiated sales and marketing programs, and had a leading role in the growth of one of the largest family-owned seed businesses in the world. In other words, David has sat in the seats of his customers.

In the early 2000s, for close to a decade, David served as the Head of Sales for Golden Harvest Seeds, a company with roots dating back to the mid-1800s. His leadership and tenacity led the company to the largest new-customer base, dealer network and highest-customer-retention level it had ever seen, resulting in the greatest sales growth in history of the company.

With over 30 years of experience in all facets of sales development; including consulting, coaching, recruiting, systems, processes, and metrics, David has established himself as a distinguished expert in his field. He has been the focal point of a number of publications, most notably, a feature story in the Wall Street Journal.  

David, along with his business partner and wife, Michelle, make a power team that specialize in candidate assessments, sales force analysis, and sales force development strategies based on building repeatable processes that lead to predictable results.

AGSELLERATE infuses powerful sales enablement capabilities into your team’s day-to-day activities to help you discover best practices and drive winning behaviors. Your team’s daily to-do list becomes more than an arbitrary checklist - it actively drives your sales activities forward in a meaningful way. We’ve built preset and customizable benchmarks into the sales pipeline that will reinforce your unique way of selling and servicing farmers and agriculture businesses. Agriculture sales and services can be complex to sell. The way you engage with farmers and businesses is what differentiates you today. Hence, sales teams need to elevate their game and leaders need to enable them. Think about the various product and service offerings you sell. Each one has a different process the salesperson needs to follow to be successful. AGSELLERATE embeds a visual process to drive your team’s actions forward in a meaningful way.

Request Availability for David Dam